Ca.Bre over time
a long experience
for a unique cheese.

Ca.Bre over time: a long experience for a unique cheese.

April 14, 1954: 18 cattle farmers, with common ideas and purposes, decided to found a Cooperative dairy to collect the milk of many small farmers and produce premium dairy products: Grana Padano and Provolone.

Ca.Bre Casearia Bresciana was born! In November of the same year, it already had 1000 members, who had promptly joined the cooperative.

In 1984, after 30 years of continuous growth, the Cooperative processed 500.000 quintals of milk per year to produce Grana and Provolone.

Ca.Bre over time

April 14, 1954: 18 cattle farmers, with common ideas and purposes, decided to found a Cooperative dairy to collect the milk of many small farmers and produce premium dairy products: Grana Padano and Provolone.


There are unique and unrivaled products only Ca.Bre can offer, as they are the result of many years of work, research and experience.